Bob Bridesmaid Dresses evans prince frederick robbery Two masked suspects entered bob evans located at 60 commerce lane in prince frederick, md.The suspects broke a pane of glass and entered the business as employees Princess Wedding Dresses were closing the establishment.Upon making entry both suspects, who were in dark clothing and wearing other concealment type attire, contacted employees.One suspect displayed a handgun while another had a hammer.The employees were subsequently escorted to a freezer by one suspect while the other assaulted and escorted the manager to the business office.The suspects fled the area in an unknown direction as an alarm was sounded.Deputies from the calvert county sheriff office and troopers from the maryland state police barrack arrived on the scene in less than two minutes and began the investigation. Anyone with additional information or possible suspect information is asked to contact det.Tim fridman or det.Nick defelice of the calvert investigative team at 4105352800.

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Friends Small Leather Goods of wilderness park sponsors native plant sale Friends of wilderness park, a local Louis Vuitton Handbags Outlet allvolunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting wilderness park and other environmentally sensitive areas, is sponsoring a native plant sale.The sale will feature native plant varieties which can be found growing in wilderness park. Catalogues with beautiful hand drawn sketches and order forms will be available at finke gardens and nursery, the meadowlark coffee house, the mill, and the lincoln parks and recreation center office at 27th and a streets.Call Louis Vuitton Sale 4778282 and leave a message to order a catalogue or for more information.Plant orders must be placed by thursday, april 28th. Besides being beautiful to look at, native plants are naturally adapted to the local environment, and once established, are easier to care for then nonnative species.They are naturally tolerant of pests and are adapted to native soil types.Native prairie plants take little water and therefore help to conserve our resources.Native creatures, such as birds and butterflies rely deals on Louis Vuitton Handbags on them for food.Some of the species to be offered in the sale among others are:Purple prairie clover, purple poppy mallow, prairie larkspur, virginia waterleaf, prairie phlox, lead plant, fragrant wild bergamot, jackin thepulpit, blue lobelia, prairie dropseed grass.Raw, unfiltered, local, native wildflower honey from hives adjacent to wilderness park, and wilderness park tshirts and shopping bags will also be sold. Plants are being grown by finke gardens and nursery.Funds from the sale will be used to support the groups ongoing activities, education, a legal fund, and scholarships for the wilderness park nature camp.

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Man who raided jobs home gets plea deal A california man accused of breaking into ' house and stealing Tiffany Necklaces computers and the co-Founder's wallet has pleaded no contest to burglarizing homes across the san francisco bay area. Kariem mcfarlin accepted a plea deal and was convicted wednesday in santa clara county superior court on eight felony counts of residential burglary and one felony count of selling stolen property. Mcfarlin was initially charged in august with one count each of residential burglary and selling stolen property after jobs' palo alto home was broken into in july.He apparently didn't realize he was in jobs' house until he saw a letter addressed to the silicon valley titan, who died in october 2011. During the 15-Hour overnight heist, mcfarlin took the late jobs' wallet and driver's license as well as iphones, ipads, ipods, mac computers, champagne and $60, 000 worth of tiffany co.Jewelry, police said. A stolen ipad ended up in the this you may like hands of kenny the clown, a well-Known street performer who used it to play music during his acts before police came for it. Police say the clown, whose real name is, didn't know the ipad was stolen when his friend mcfarlin gave it to him to repay a debt.The device was returned to jobs' family. Investigators from a task force eventually linked mcfarlin, 35, to seven other burglaries in alameda, marin and san this you may like francisco dating to march 2011, the reported. Prosecutors in those other counties agreed to resolve all of the burglary cases in santa clara sale county, said deputy district attorney, who filed an amended criminal complaint wednesday. "I think it's a good outcome,"Flattery said about mcfarlin's no contest plea. "I think the case demonstrates a couple of things.Really, it's a good example of judicial economy and cooperation between the various counties to resolve everything at once. "And it's also an example of the work a multi-Jurisdictional task force can do to bring them all together. " Mcfarlin could face up to seven years and eight months in prison when he's scheduled for sentencing jan.17. He could have received a maximum of 16 years and four months behind bars, but judge offered to cap the sentence at seven years and eight months in exchange for mcfarlin's no contest plea, flattery said.

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Drugs behind bars Mary sheriff tim cameron for trying to take drug users and petty drug pushers off the streets of lexington park the harlem of st.These counselors emphasize the incarceration of drug addicts or building new jails is a huge drain on taxpayer monies. Was little, Cheap Bridesmaid Dresses but it was there, a former jail inmate told this correspondent about drug use inside the jail.Saw it happen.Mary detention center, but said he would not vouch drugs do not get smuggled into the facility at all, as there are a lot of inmates with creative minds.Mary commissioner president jack russell reposed his full confidence in the measures cameron was taking, though adding in the same breath, them up is probably not the solution, but they(Drug addicts)Have to cross this bridge.The commissioner president pointed out it was up to the judicial system what kind of a sentence a drug or alcohol addict gets. Russell said the commissioners are cognizant that drugs and alcohol are a serious problem in the county.Tim cameron will outsource as many of them.I am sure he will try to find avenues for their treatment, he said. Agreeing that treatment costs less than incarceration, russell said institutions like walden sierra offer a tremendous avenue for help.Am sure sheriff cameron will work closely with these institutions to help people in the jails, he told the bay net. True that drugs get into correctional centers, said dennis logan, executive director of the jude house, a longterm care facility dedicated to treatment of drug addicts in bel alton.It comes?Who responsible?I do not know, logan said at his office. At one time cameron himself headed the correctional center and so is well acquainted with the goingson in there.Last week he directed the new head of the detention center, lt.Michael merican, to provide him with a comprehensive list of drugs and other contraband recovered from inside the jail.Cameron provided details to the bay net friday. Both merican and cameron caution inside the jail should not be confused with the same word of general usage.Chewing gum is considered contraband in the jail, merican told the bay net friday, but cameron said smuggling any contraband into the jail was against the law and an important issue. One ageold policy of the jail was until recently being abused by those trying to smuggle contraband into the facility for a friend or relative.The method of smuggling in contraband was simple:A senior inmate would tell the fresh arrival that some items will be ordered from the outside in his name and ask him to own those items when the visitor brings it.The inmate family or friend would then transport the contraband to the new inmate. Number of people were arrested, cameron said, when they tried to sneak cigarettes for the inmates into the jail.Until january 4, st.Mary county jail allowed friends and relatives to bring in clothing and shoes from the outside within the first 72 hours of a person landing in jail.However, that policy has since been revamped, cameron told the bay net during an interview at his office. Stuff would mostly be hidden inside the shoes, cameron said. Cameron said since january 4 all outside stuffs have been outlawed and inmates wanting items have to purchase them from the jail commissary. Cameron said the only other possible ways contraband can get into jails are via those who go out on work release or inmates who go on work detail.Both kinds of residents are searched necessarily stripped searched cameron said when they return to the jail. The correctional facility has adopted the policy of keeping inmates restricted to their specific classification as opportunities of mixing even at bible study groups Mermaid Wedding Dresses were misused, cameron said. The st.Mary's sheriff said at times the narcotics officer who makes the Cheap Bridesmaid Dresses Australia arrests may wear a mask to conceal his identity. All three counties in southern maryland bring detection dogs inside the correctional center for random checks.Also do random urinalysis of inmates on work release and work incentive details, said cameron. Drugs are not easily smuggled in through intake, cameron said. Intake area is secure and designed well, they need to be enlarged, cameron said, adding that area is segregated from the general population. The check of a person at the time of arrest out on the streets can possibly not be thorough, sheriff officials in all three counties explained.That is the reason a certain class of arrested people are strip searched. Fact 13 persons were found with contraband cds/illicit drugs on them after the police had brought them in in 2006 and 2007, cameron said after browsing through the hand compiled data provided to him by merican. Logan, of jude house, who previously worked for the walden sierra, pointed out at a recent public hearing of the st.Mary board of county commissioners that treating a drug addict costs st.Mary just $85 a day and putting him in jail $125 a day.Logan said building jails to incarcerate drug addicts did not make any fiscal sense at all.Addicts rub shoulders with hardened criminals inside the jail, logan said, adding they return to the streets with better skills. This is the first in a series of pieces looking at correctional facilities in southern maryland.Coming soon:An interview with southern maryland first female head of jail.


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For journalists to do their jobs Family man?Gov.Rick scott, whose administration has continually drawn the ire of journalists for its culture of secrecy and unwillingness to process public records, said it's"Inappropriate"For reporters to report. During a 60minute questionandanswer session at the capital monday morning, some 25 journos had an opportunity to chat with the typically elusive scott. At the time, the tea party darling said it was"Inappropriate"For new times to contact Louis Vuitton Men a blacksheep sibling whose personal struggles raise questions about scott's policymaking motivations. That sibling, 54yearold click here to see more info about Louis Vuitton roger scott, lives in dallas. He has bipolar disorder, receives government benefits, and may have a history of criminal activity and drug abuse. Gov.Scott, his big brother, signed into law may 31 a bill that requires welfare recipients to get drug tested. Scott repeatedly refused to tell new times whether his brother's struggles have affected his policymaking. Scott also would not say directly whether he would drugtest his own brother. Instead of answering these questions, his office released a noncommittal statement: "The governor believes that everyone who applies for welfare benefits should be drug tested. great deals " HiS time will Soon come to an end with thiS term, then he will be hiStory after inflicting SeriouS harm to the peope of thiS State.I will Say thiS gov.Apparently deSpiSeS the people of florida(Forwhatever reaSon(S).He fooled many of the people who voted for himwhile disquising himself as the wolf in sheeps clothing.The man is mentally deficient, lacks self confidence and in my opinion, hatesthe people of the great state of florida.No doubt, he has pulled a great flim flam on the people for which the price of what he is doing willeventually come back to haunt him.

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How to be an industrial music fan How to be an industrial music fan Commercial fans, otherwise known as rivetheads, belong to a subculture that will be based upon industrial music, a type of fresh electronic music.Similar punk, excellent, perhaps emo music, the industrial subculture has a distinct fashion style that the majority of fans adhere to. Remark:The phrase"Rivethead"Applies to fans of the music genre who also follow the outfits of the subculture.If the look doesn't interest you, you can nevertheless be an industrial fan without dressing like you've just walked off the set of the vampire nightclub in blade ii. Retain, being a fan of anything most certainly personal matter.Don't feel pressured to look or act like other fans for you to fit in.Just enjoy the music activity you love.Nothing could possibly be more legit than genuine enthusiasm. Industrial music basicsindustrial is a style of music that is seen as an electronic sounds, appear, and often dark manufacturing themes. Organizations"Professional"As a descriptor for the emerging style was coined in the mid 1970s by the band throbbing gristle as a name for his or her new label, commercial records.Immediately,"Manufacturing music"Is used as an umbrella term to spell it out many related but diverse musical styles. Types of commercial musicold school industrial music:Old school industrial usually refers back to the first wave of industrial musicians.Artists/bands entail cabaret voltaire, spk, and nurse with hurt. Post electro music:Post industrial refers back to the music that grew out of the old school industrial influence in the 1980's.Artists/bands can comprise skinny puppy, front 242, (free next day in-store delivery.) and coil nailers. Private dance music:Industrial dance is a style of post industrial music seen as heavy electronic beats, keyboard/synth to become, and dark styled lyrics.Manufacturing dance bands/artists include vnv nation, nitzer ebb, and another, moreover assemblage 23. Gadget body music:Electrical body music, also known as ebm, is a type of post industrial seen as an dance beats and gritty noise effects.Ebm bands/artists can consist of wumpscut, ministry, then kmfdm. Professional rock music:Aggressive rock is a fusion of rock and construction music styles.Bands/artists include murder joke, nine inch fingernails and toenails, and heaven lost. Neofolk music:Neofolk is a blend of folk and professional music styles.Neofolk artists/bands comprise of current 93, helium vola, and furthermore qntal. Private synthpop music:Industrial synthpop is a genre of synthpop with industrial impact.Bands allow for freezepop, whilst low price gary numan, but also ladytron. Darkwave music:Darkwave music is a genre that consists of commercial and synthpop influenced gothic music.Darkwave musicians/artists add in die form, diary of thinks, wolfsheim, as well as crxshadows. Steampunk music:Steampunk is a large and distinguished subculture on its own, but steampunk music defined has a heavy industrial influence.Steampunk bands/musicians incorporate abney park, vernian operation, and health professional steel. These microgenres are of help as a general guideline, but they're not absolute. Rivethead fashionif you like industrial fashion and even dress like a rivethead, here are some suggestions: Rivethead fashion usually consists of combining gothic, cyberpunk, and raver style swimwear.Military clothing with a gothic twist, colorful braided hair extension cords, fetishwear exactly akin to corsets and latex, gas face goggles, and goggles are all a safe bet.A big pair of boots is not only a fashion must, it's also a required safety precaution.Industrial style dancing is filled with stomping and flailing, and an individual will get stepped on. Industrial Pandora Charm clubsindustrial clubs are an easy way to celebrate your love for industrial music.Most major towns have at least one industrial or combination goth/industrial club. Would like to check out a club, i do prescribe dressing the part.You needn't spend hundreds of dollars(Or hours restroom window pandora Bracelets: curtains)On a great rivethead uniform, but other clubbers appreciate it when you dress befittingly and respect the atmosphere.Just wear all black if for you to do it on the cheap, and consider tossing on a cyberpunk piece or two.I also recommend viewing a couple youtube videos on conventional dancing.Plenty of rivetheads are awful dancers and nobody will bat an eyelash in case you are too, but it's good to have an idea of what you're in for. Motion picture below(Conventional music video for"Pong"By eisenfunk from cd 8bit, 2010)Is a great example of the standard rivethead/industrial dancing style. Ordinary music video for"Pong"By eisenfunk from 8bit project, 2010 Industrial showsas with virtually any music, going to shows and buying merch is super way to show your support.Dress however you will want to a show.It's really down to the music here.Since its not a very mainstream genre, industrial shows are probably small, specifically good.Shows are often only in the $15 $35 range.You won't be spending the $50 $100 easier going with to see lady gaga or taylor swift.And you'll be free to be much more up close and personal with the band.Smaller venues most often have better views, and many industrial artists will come back again after a performance, giving you an opportunity to meet them.

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Lilly pulitzer lifestyle Tiffany On Sale in raleigh photos This cheery-Happy shop recently reopened after a huge move and revamp.Along with its new look, palm avenue, lilly pulitzer lifestyle now carries lilly pulitzer clothing as well as the brand's new home furnishings collection, which include upholstery featuring its signature flowery patterns in bright pinks, blues, and yellows.We spoke to shopowner rebecca byrd to find out how she pulled it all together. 1.What was the inspiration for this store? Our inspiration for the store was truly lilly pulitzer herself.We've had the pleasure of visiting lilly pulitzer's palm beach home and we loved the eclectic mix of bought and found treasures and the unpretentious feel of her home--Nothing"Matches"And everything goes.On one table a hula lamp found at a yard sale and on another a priceless tiffany lamp.She even hung a picasso over her kitty litter box.Her home is about fun, comfort, and value in things that make you happy. 2.Are there any the website new pieces that are specific to this store? In addition to our beloved lilly pulitzer fashions and new home collections and upholstery, we've added bundles of accessories for a special treat around every corner, including tortoise dinner plates, a two-Foot hanging monkey, great barware, sea glass vases, and hilarious hostess books.We've also just received the lilly pulitzer fabric which we sell by the yard. 3.What's been this page most popular with visitors at the store? The shoe pouf.Every girl needs a place to store more shoes. 4.What keeps visitors coming back? We try to constantly keep our inventory fresh.Fashions are received every 2 weeks and we have new accessories every day.But at the end of the day it's our fabulous, friendly staff that keeps them coming back for sell at a discount more. 5.Do you have a favorite item in this store? I am personally obsessed with the brass bar cart, of course! (A close second being the vintage persian rugs, which come vat-Dyed in fuchsia, turquoise, or lime green. )

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