Friends Small Leather Goods of wilderness park sponsors native plant sale Friends of wilderness park, a local Louis Vuitton Handbags Outlet allvolunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting wilderness park and other environmentally sensitive areas, is sponsoring a native plant sale.The sale will feature native plant varieties which can be found growing in wilderness park. Catalogues with beautiful hand drawn sketches and order forms will be available at finke gardens and nursery, the meadowlark coffee house, the mill, and the lincoln parks and recreation center office at 27th and a streets.Call Louis Vuitton Sale 4778282 and leave a message to order a catalogue or for more information.Plant orders must be placed by thursday, april 28th. Besides being beautiful to look at, native plants are naturally adapted to the local environment, and once established, are easier to care for then nonnative species.They are naturally tolerant of pests and are adapted to native soil types.Native prairie plants take little water and therefore help to conserve our resources.Native creatures, such as birds and butterflies rely deals on Louis Vuitton Handbags on them for food.Some of the species to be offered in the sale among others are:Purple prairie clover, purple poppy mallow, prairie larkspur, virginia waterleaf, prairie phlox, lead plant, fragrant wild bergamot, jackin thepulpit, blue lobelia, prairie dropseed grass.Raw, unfiltered, local, native wildflower honey from hives adjacent to wilderness park, and wilderness park tshirts and shopping bags will also be sold. Plants are being grown by finke gardens and nursery.Funds from the sale will be used to support the groups ongoing activities, education, a legal fund, and scholarships for the wilderness park nature camp.
- Feb 21 Fri 2014 11:24
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